Musings and insights from Avril


The Paradox of Relationships: It's Both About You and Not About You

Relationships are a curious thing. On one hand, they revolve around our personal experiences, emotions, and reactions. On the other hand, they’re about so much more...

Here's To Authenticity

As the summer draws to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to truly be yourself. Why does it sometimes feel so hard to be authentic? Is it just me,...

Insights And Tools For A Happier Life

June has flown by, and we've now crossed the halfway mark of the year. The past six months have been a whirlwind of activity, culminating in the completion of the weekend...

Embracing Differences: The Foundation of Stronger Relationships and...

In the intricate tapestry of human connections, understanding and embracing differences can be the golden thread that weaves stronger relationships and enhances mental...

Here's What Functional Freeze Looks Like

Functional freeze is a psychological response characterised by a temporary inability to move or act, often in response to stress, anxiety, or trauma. The behaviours...

Toxic Friendships

I used to believe that friendships should last a lifetime and I wold put in so much effort to ensuring my friendships would last the distance. In fact I used to have a...

Embracing the Power of Growth: Boosting Your Mental and Emotional W...

  Today, I want to speak to the buzzword “Growth Mindset” and how it can be your ultimate ticket to a happier and healthier mental and emotional state. ...

Truth: familiarity gives us a false sense of security

Today, I want to chat with you about something we all can relate to: the comfort of the familiar and the allure it holds in our lives. It's fascinating how most of us tend...

Stop Taking Things Personally

Let's be real for a sec – life can throw curveballs, and we all have those moments when we take things to heart a bit too much. ‍ Whether it's a seemingly off...

Nurturing Your Well-being Amidst the Weight of the World

Feeling the weight of the world? I want you to know I'm right here, holding space for you. Last week, in my coaching sessions, we dished out some quick tips for...

Embracing Stillness to Move Beyond Feeling Stuck

As we embark on this new year, I've noticed a recurring theme in our community: feeling "stuck." We all experience it at various points in our lives, and I wanted to share...

Balancing the Sacred Divine Feminine & Masculine

Waxing crescent Moon Aries - 1st Quarter Moon It's a quiet week We are in an in-between phase where we are still working with the retrograde energy that's just past and...

The trap of setting goals

Did you get caught in the trap of setting big resolutions or goals for yourself in January, and now feeling that as we arrive in February, you've taken two steps back...

New Year - New Word 2022

Now that the dust has settled from New Year and we are in full swing of life, how are those New Year resolutions holding up for you?   Several years ago, I stopped...

How wrong was that younger me 🤦‍♀️

Over the last couple of months on our Reinventing You slow down Sunday calls, I have changed things up and started adding in a little bit of "Woo-woo" to the conversation....

Who am I being?

I have had a little bit of a hiatus since the start of the summer, life somehow seemed to get full, and my cup had been starting to overflow, leaving little space for my...

Ditch the people pleasing and find your freedom!

 Are you a people-pleaser? Do you try to help everyone at the expense of your own needs? Do you try to make others happy as a means of avoiding confrontation? Do...

How to transform relationships

Every single person lives in a separate reality. When you start to understand how our mind works and where our experience comes from, it changes everything, but it's not...

Guilt & shame

Guilt and shame, we all suffer from it from time to time, but it can have a long-lasting impact that holds us back at every turn when it beds itself deep into our...

The truth about fear

Fear holds us back from expressing our truth in so many different ways. It stops us from expressing what we think or what we want to say. Fear holds us back from things we...

Confidence what is it, and how do I get more of it?

What is confidence and where does it come from, and how do you get more of it? People are always looking for ways to increase their self-confidence to go out into the world...

Grief & Loss

Grief can be experienced for so many reasons and ebbs and flows throughout our life. When we first think about grief, we automatically think about the loss of someone due...

Say goodbye to Christmas ghosts

I love Christmas. I love to see the excitement in people's faces at Christmas time. I even like all the hustle and bustle. But, it wasn't always like that for me. I have...

Letting go of October

I hope you are well and not feeling too fragile with all the more stringent restrictions that have landed at our doors this last month. I know for many, it has been...


  It's been one hell of a year, a year that has humbled every one of us. Things that we have believed to be permanent have fallen away, loved ones are gone,...

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