Here's To Authenticity

As the summer draws to a close, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to truly be yourself. Why does it sometimes feel so hard to be authentic? Is it just me, or does it seem like people often judge us the most when we’re being our truest selves? Maybe it’s something that comes with age, or perhaps it’s that as we grow older, we start to care less about what others think. Or maybe we just become wiser and realise that the effort it takes to be someone we're not is simply exhausting.

This summer, I attended two very different events that brought these thoughts to the forefront.

The first was a cosy family gathering at my house. It was the kind of get-together where everyone was dressed comfortably, the kids ran around freely, and we all shared stories over home-cooked meals. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming, with no pressure to be anything but yourself. We spent the evening laughing, reminiscing, and enjoying each other’s company—completely at ease.

The second event, however, was a formal function in the city—a fundraiser for a local charity. The evening was filled with elegant dresses, formal speeches, and polite conversation. As I walked into the grand ballroom, I couldn’t help but feel the weight of expectations. Everyone seemed perfectly polished, and there was a certain air of formality that made me keenly aware of how I was presenting myself.

Years ago, I would have loved the formality of that second event. Any excuse to dress up and mingle in such sophisticated settings would have been exciting. But now, I find myself drawn more to the authenticity of the first. The relaxed environment, the real connections—these are what resonate with me the most.

But I wonder, have I really changed? Or have I just finally embraced who I’ve always been? Was I pretending to fit in with societal expectations, simply because that’s what everyone around me seemed to value?

Looking back, I realise that trying to conform to those expectations was draining. Over the years, I’ve made a conscious effort to step into my true self. I’ve let go of what no longer serves me, whether it was relationships, jobs, or even certain social norms. And with that, I’ve found a peace I didn’t know was possible.

What I’ve also noticed is how people respond differently to the real me. In the past, I might have received comments like, “Oh, you’re not dressed up tonight?” or “Why don’t you go out more often?” Now, the feedback is so much more positive and encouraging. They’d say things like, “I love how true you are to yourself,” or “It’s so inspiring to see you following your passions.”

Looking back, I realise that trying to conform to others’ expectations was not only exhausting but also detrimental to my well-being. Over the past couple of decades, a lot has changed in my life. I’ve started to embrace who I truly am—the person I’ve always been deep down inside. I’ve lost some things, but I’ve gained so much more.

It’s not just in my personal life; this shift has impacted my professional life too. I’ve stopped saying yes to projects that don’t align with my values, and I focus on what truly lights me up. This authenticity has allowed me to connect with clients and colleagues on a deeper level, creating more meaningful and successful outcomes.

It’s a world of difference. By stepping out of my inauthentic self and embracing the real me, I didn’t lose anything of value—I gained a sense of fulfilment I never knew I was missing.

If there’s one thing I could share with you, it’s this: Just be yourself. It might feel scary at first, but it’s the most liberating thing you can do. You are unique, and that is your greatest strength. Yes, there will always be that little voice of fear, whispering doubts in your ear. I hear it too, especially as we head closer to the weekend for our event in Glasgow. I find myself worrying about what to wear or what to say, but then I remind myself—most of the people there know me and love me for who I am, not for some polished version of myself.

I’m looking forward to spending two days surrounded by people who understand the journey of self-discovery and transformation. I know it will be a space filled with empathy, understanding, and genuine connections. And honestly, what more could I ask for?

Here’s to being ourselves and finding peace in that. Here’s to embracing who we are, flaws and all, and knowing that who we are is more than enough.

Here's to authenticity! 🌻

With love

Avril 💕💕 💐


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