"Reinventing YOU"

Inner Wisdom Members Hub!"

Join today as a member and enjoy a 14 Day Trial on us!



Reinventing YOU, Inner Wisdom Meditation Hub!

Join here as a member!

Does this

sound familiar?

ο€Œ  Sleepless nights because you have been running over conversations with your boss or friends and worrying if you said the right thing

ο€Œ  Avoiding social events, or going for that promotion because you fear rejection or worried you just don't fit in.

ο€Œ  Feeling overwhelmed and unable to make decisions, doubting and second guessing even the smallest things you do.

ο€Œ  Or maybe you have noticed your world seems smaller, you are no longer putting yourself out there like you used to, fear and self-sabotage hold you back.

If you can relate...then my brand new "Reinventing YOU Inner Wisdom Members Hub is for someone exactly like you!

Inner Wisdom Meditation

Years of scientific research has consistently demonstrated how beneficial meditation is.  But there is a distinct difference between doing meditation just for the sake of it and using meditation as a powerful state to connect to your inner wisdom to help you overcome the challenges you face in life.

In Buddhist Psychology, there is a strong emphasis on the power of intention in whatever we are doing. Intentions aligned with deep inner wisdom always bring about transformation and shifts in awareness; this then becomes wise intention which is key to the Buddhist eightfold path.

And that's what my "inner wisdom Meditation" is designed specifically to do. To create a space for you to set wise intentions, after all, everything in life has an intention, so let's be certain that these intentions are aligned with a pearl of deeper inner wisdom and show up in our life as wise intentions we can live our life by.

After years of teaching and exploration as a coach, hypnotherapist and student of spiritual teachings I have found this the best way to use meditation to transform anxiety, overwhelm, stress, fear, and so much more!

What's inside

"Reinventing YOU"

Inner Wisdom Meditation Members Hub

I've designed this, especially so that you can have access to the meditation approach I teach my clients and students to help them overcome anxiety, fear, overwhelm and stress. It's not your usual meditation class; it is specifically designed to enable you to make a deeper connection to your inner wisdom!

Weekly Live Inner Wisdom meditation calls via zoom
Mid Week Meditation (Anxiety, Stress, Overwhelm, relaxation)
Slow Down Sunday Meditation
Connection & Conversation with like-minded people going through similar experiences and challenges as you!


Access to all recordings of the weekly meditations inside the member's hub. New meditations and resources uploaded monthly and weekly.

Join today as a member and enjoy a 14 Day Trial on me!


Here's what you get:

  • Live inner wisdom meditations weekly except for holidays
  • The meditations are all live; they are not pre-recorded, you get to sit with me inside zoom while I personally guide you and hold the space so that you can make a deeper connection to yourself, your life and anything else that you want to experience.
  • Learn a simple meditation process that you can do in as little as 5 mins a day, or as long as you decide to take.
  • You will get ccess to the online "Reinventing YOU" Inner Meditation Members Hub" where all the recordings of the live sessions will be uploaded so you can listen back to them anytime you wish. It will be like having your own personal mini Netflix for meditation!
  • Tune into any missed sessions on re-play and access additional resources to help you manage your stress, anxiety and a whole lot more!  

Plus you will have access to additional resources inside the Members Club and any new resources added during the lifetime of your membership.

Enjoy a Free 14-day trial so that you can test out some of the previous meditations and join Avril on her Live Meditations.

Join Here as a member!


Nice to meet you

Avril has worked in the area of learning and personal development for over 25 years, an inspirational teacher and coach she has been helping people transform both their lives and careers for over 20 years. An NLP Master Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist. Avril also has BSc  Honours Degree in Psychology, as well as additional qualifications and training in neuroscience, Three principles and spiritual teaching.

She is highly regarded in her industry and well known for her unique approach and blend of science and spirituality.

​Author of the "Reinvention Method" and Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy & a Generative Trance Hypnotherapist she works with individuals and groups, providing unique personal development workshops and coaching inspired by Neuroscience, Spirituality, Hypnotherapy, NLP, energy healing and the great masters of personal change.

Feeling the love! 

What everyone is saying about the "Reinventing YOU" -  Inner Wisdom Meditation Hub.

"It's amazing how much more I calm and peaceful I am feeling since joining the meditation calls. They are very powerful and I will manage to experience something new. 

I love the way you guide us as I have never been able to follow the usual visualisations you get with some types of meditation and relaxation audios."

"I love the Sunday meditation, it really sets me up for the week ahead."

"Words can't describe how helpful your meditation group has been. I have started using the 5-minute daily practice and setting intentions every morning for my day and it has made such a difference to al the overwhelm and anxiety I was feeling. I am much calmer and enjoying life a lot more. xx"